Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Meeting: 08/10/2015 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 40)

40 Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the resolutions on the Medium Term Financial Strategy that were passed by Council on 24th September 2015 be noted;


(b)       That the recommendations to review and comment on the strategy, and the implementation of the above resolutions of Council and to advise on alternatives to the contents of the strategy as a contingent should it not succeed be noted at this stage; and


(c)       That the Committee wishes to be advised at the earliest possible moment of any apparent need to implement all or any of the list on page 22 of the Medium Term Financial Strategy Part 2 document and others in order to discuss the implications and acceptability thereof.


Councillor Richard Jones queried why the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) was on the agenda as it had been considered in detail at the County Council meeting held on 24th September 2015.  The Member Engagement Manager reminded Members that it had been agreed at the July 2015 meeting of the Committee that updates on the MTFS would be provided at each meeting. 


                        The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Aaron Shotton, introduced a report to provide the Committee with an update on the MTFS following the County Council meeting on 24th September 2015.  He commented on the three elements to the resolution made at that meeting which included the consultation and development of the strategy and he reminded Members of their shared duty to provide a balanced budget.  Work was progressing with the Communications Team on how the consultation would take place and it was anticipated that this would include a web based element as well as the need for area based consultation with community groups, including Town & Community Councils.  He spoke of the need to ensure that the public understood Part 1 of the MTFS along with the three sections of Part 2 and that discussions were undertaken with communities about the protection and sustainability of services. 


                        Councillor Shotton indicated that he had taken every opportunity to raise the issue of the discussions that needed to take place with the Welsh Government (WG).  He added that it was critical to build collective support across the local authorities in Wales and he spoke of the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) manifesto for issues for lobbying Assembly Members in the run up to the elections in May 2016.  The WLGA manifesto included ambitions and the vision of local authorities and the need for flexibility and Councillor Shotton suggested that it could be included on the agenda for the next County Council meeting, so that it could be shared with all Members.  He indicated that he had also raised the issue with the Leaders of the other North Wales authorities.  He expressed his disappointment about some of the comments that had been made at the County Council meeting on 24th September 2015 but added that it was important to progress the resolution to lobby WG.  He advised that a meeting of Group Leaders would need to be held prior to contact being made with WG on the request for support. 


                        The Autumn statement from the Chancellor was due to be made on 24th November 2015 and it was therefore anticipated that the draft local government settlement would be shared with Councils on 9th December 2015 after consideration by WG, which was a concern because of the lateness of the information.  It had been indicated that the final settlement would be available on 1st March 2016 and therefore there would be a need to review the budget setting timetable if this was the correct date for the settlement figure as this could  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40