Issue - meetings

Children Services Inspection Report

Meeting: 13/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 83)

83 Children Services Inspection Report pdf icon PDF 85 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member for Social Services presented the findings of the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) concerning their Inspection of Children’s Services in Flintshire and set out the action plan of the Council in response to the report.  It was a detailed inspection of services concerning four main themes:

                        Theme 1- Access Arrangements

                        Theme 2- Assessment

                        Theme 3 – Safeguarding and Care Management

                        Theme 4 – Leadership and Governance


                        The report reflected on the many strengths in the service, areas that the Council needed to secure improvements in the day and assessment model for children and acknowledged that children’s services had undergone a period of transition in the last year, understanding the approach of the new senior team.


                        The Inspection Report would be submitted to the Social and Health Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 5 November 2015 where the CSSIW would be in attendance.


                        The Chief Officer (Social Services) reiterated the comments made by the Cabinet Member adding that the findings included that senior Members and officers saw safeguarding as a priority for the Council and were committed to developing and improving the service.


                        The Council’s response and action plan was appended to the report.


                        The Chief Executive added that the Inspection Report would also be submitted to Audit Committee on 27 January 2016.  Regular progress updates would be submitted to the Social Services Programme Board and Informal Cabinet. 




(a)       That the conclusions of the inspection report be responded to;


(b)       That the action plan be endorsed; and


(c)        That the process for monitoring the action plan as laid out in 1.12 of the report be approved.