Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Meeting: 12/11/2015 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 49)

Medium Term Financial Strategy


To receive a verbal update.  




That the verbal update on the Medium Term Financial Strategy be received. 


The Chief Executive provided a verbal update on the Medium Term Financial Strategy, and advised that the Autumn Statement from the Chancellor would be on 25 November 2015. 


                        He commented on the further reductions in the order of 25% or more anticipated for the next Parliament period suggested by the UK Government for English Councils and spoke of the possible impact if these cuts were also passported to the Welsh Government (WG).  The provisional settlement from WG was expected on 8 December 2015 but there was uncertainty around the budget process which may not be able to be finalised until March 2015 and this would have an impact on the setting of Council Tax.  Two budget workshops for Members were to be set up in late November 2015 with the Overview & Scrutiny meetings to receive options on the budget proposals being held in December 2015. 


                        The Chief Executive spoke of the four key issues which were:-


(i)         Members having the opportunity to go through the budget options

                        (ii)        the need to work on contingencies for the remaining budget gap

(iii)       making a case at a national level about the risks faced by the Authority

(iv)       the seven community meetings which had been arranged to raise public awareness of the risks faced to services.  The Chief Executive sought Members’ help in supporting the meetings and asked them to register for the event if they were able to attend.


In response to a query from Councillor Marion Bateman about how the events were being advertised to the public, the Chief Executive advised that social media would be used, as well as Town & Community Councils, voluntary organisations and youth groups being made aware of the events so that they could share the information with their communities.  The local papers would also be asked to include the details in the press.  It was hoped that a minimum of 50 people would attend each event with the maximum being 200.  He commented on the use of electronic voting and other housekeeping issues such as making a translator available if a resident wanted to speak in Welsh but advised that this may not be available if the person had not registered in advance. 


Councillor Paul Shotton felt that it was important that Councillors and members of the public attended because of the seriousness of the issue of funding.  He also raised concern about the possible late production of the final settlement and the importance of having contingency options in place.


The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Aaron Shotton, spoke of the work that was being undertaken on budget options.  He commented on a recent public consultation engagement meeting on the future of Connah’s Quay swimming baths which had been positive in terms of collaboration with Flintshire County Council and Connah’s Quay Town Council.  He felt that there was a significant need for lobbying by all Councillors on the risks faced by the authority if the budget gap could  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49