Issue - meetings

053621 - Appeal by Mr. Robert Edwards Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for Demolition of Existing Garage and Erection of Two Storey, Single Storey and First Floor Extensions at Station House, Alyn Lane,

Meeting: 16/12/2015 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 105)

105 Appeal by Mr. Robert Edwards Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for Demolition of Existing Garage and Erection of Two Storey, Single Storey and First Floor Extensions at Station House, Alyn Lane, Llong (053621) pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


            That the decision of the Inspector to part allow/part dismiss this appeal be noted.


The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) advised that the Inspector had made a split decision on this appeal, with part being allowed and part being dismissed.  The proposed two storey extension had been dismissed as it conflicted with the relevant policies of Flintshire’s Unitary Development Plan (UDP).  However the appeal on the demolition of the garage and the proposed first floor extensions was allowed.  A Judicial Review was an option available to the Council but it had been decided that this was not appropriate.  The Chief Officer added that the Inspector could make a split decision but the Committee could not. 


                        Councillor Chris Bithell indicated that he had discussed this issue with the Planning Inspector as Members were always advised to deal with the application before them.  He spoke of the constraints of the UDP and said that the comments of the Inspector was their opinion and interpretation.  He hoped that the comments would be challenged.  Councillor Gareth Roberts raised concern at the ability of the Inspector to be able to make a split decision on an appeal.         




            That the decision of the Inspector to part allow/part dismiss this appeal be noted.