Issue - meetings

Energy at Landfill Sites

Meeting: 22/03/2016 - Cabinet (Item 157)

157 Energy at Landfill Sites pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Attridge introduced the report on the Business Case for Solar Farms at Brookhill and Standard Landfill Sites in Buckley. 


            Planning permission for the two schemes had been approved and the projects could proceed within the identified timescales.


            The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) added that the report was considered at Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week where questions had been raised on technical issues.  A written response was being provided and the report was recommended to Cabinet for approval.


            Members welcomed the report which was an innovative approach to generating a revenue stream and reducing the Councils carbon footprint and therefore carbon taxation.




That the development of the two Solar Farms, and the high voltage connection of Brookhill landfill site to Alltami Depot be approved.