Issue - meetings

Self-evaluation on education services

Meeting: 15/03/2016 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 64)

64 Self-Evaluation of Education Services pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the report be noted; and


(b)       That Mr. Alex Thomas, Headteacher of the Post 16 Education Centre be invited to the next meeting of the Committee on 28 April, 2016 to provide a presentation on the courses available at the Centre.



The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced the report and advised that the Council undertakes an annual self-evaluation against the framework for local authority education services established by Estyn. A draft copy of the current self-evaluation 2015/16 was appended to the report which outlined the views and finding of officers and partners regarding the education services operating within Flintshire.


                        The Chief Officer provided background information and an explanation of the self-evaluation process.  He advised that the self-evaluation document outlined the perceived strengths, key issues and challenges and that the resource implications of these would be identified through the development planning process which builds on the self-evaluation.  The Chief Officer reported on current performance and the positive improvement in outcomes and areas of risk to be addressed. 


                        Councillor David Healey expressed congratulations to the Chief Officer and his team on the achievements gained.  He commented on the positive work undertaken to reduce the number of young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs), and to prevent exclusions and promote good attendance.   


                        Mr. David Hytch raised a concern around the range of languages being offered in schools and the Post 16 Education Centre.  Following the further concerns raised by Members the Chair suggested that Mr. Alex Thomas, recently appointed Headteacher at the Post 16 Education Centre, be invited to attend the next meeting of the Committee. 




(a)       That the report be noted; and


(b)       That Mr. Alex Thomas, Headteacher of the Post 16 Education Centre be invited to the next meeting of the Committee on 28 April, 2016 to provide a presentation on the courses available at the Centre.