Issue - meetings

Corporate Parenting

Meeting: 24/03/2016 - Joint Education & Youth and Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)

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The Committee is content that Corporate Parenting is effective and endorse the development of a revised Corporate Parenting Strategy.



The Senior Manager Children and Workforce introduced a report on the Council’s effectiveness as a Corporate Parent.  He provided background information  and advised that the report provided a focus on the expectations of Corporate Parenting within the framework of the Social Services and Well-Being Act (the Act).  The report identified the need to refresh the existing Corporate Parenting Strategy within the context of the Act and the Council’s Improvement Plan priorities for 2016/17.  The Senior Manager Children and Workforce presented the report and drew attention to the key considerations.


            The Chair thanked the Senior Manager Children and Workforce for his report and invited the Committee to raise questions.


In response to a suggestion from Councillor Marion Bateman that a Looked After Child be invited to attend a future meeting of the Committee to meet Members, Councillor Christine Jones commented on the work of the Participation Group and the various other opportunities, citing the Pride of Flintshire Awards as an example, which provided an informal setting for LAC to meet with Members.     


The Senior Manager Children and Workforce agreed that next year’s report would include information on how well the Council had done on the future priorities, as set out in section 1.05.14 of the report.


Councillor Christine Jones suggested that the revised Corporate Parenting Strategy be presented to Scrutiny for consideration.  The Chair agreed with this suggestion.




The Committee is content that Corporate Parenting is effective and endorse the development of a revised Corporate Parenting Strategy.