Issue - meetings

Educational Attainment of Looked After Children

Meeting: 24/03/2016 - Joint Education & Youth and Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Educational Attainment of Looked After Children in Flintshire pdf icon PDF 118 KB


(a)       That Members continue to act as ‘Champions’ for Looked After Children, promoting awareness and challenging provision within Flintshire educational settings;


(b)       That the Annual Looked After Children Education Outcomes report, in future, be moved to a cycle following the performance indicator submission at the end of April.  



The Senior Manager Inclusion and Progression introduced a report on the academic attainment of Looked After Children (LAC) in Flintshire for the year 2014-15.  She provided background information and reported on learner outcomes for the Foundation Phase and Key Stages 2, 3 and 4, as detailed in the report.  She advised that the education of LAC was a high priority in Flintshire and reported on some of the initiatives which had been implemented to support better outcomes for this vulnerable group of learners.  


The Chairman thanked the Head of Inclusion Service for her detailed report and invited members to raise questions.


Councillor Dave Mackie suggested that information be included in future reports to demonstrate how educational attainment was improving for LAC.    The Senior Manager Inclusion and Progression agreed to provide information on predicted outcomes and actual outcomes in future reports.


Councillor Ian Smith asked how the educational attainment for LAC compared to non-LAC.   The Senior Manager Inclusion and Progression agreed to provide information on the educational attainment for Flintshire as a whole in future reports.


            The Chair commented on the significant difficulties which LAC frequently had to overcome at an early age, and emphasised that this also needed to be taken into account when acknowledging their achievements.




(a)       That Members continue to act as ‘Champions’ for Looked After Children, promoting awareness and challenging provision within Flintshire educational settings;


(b)       That the Annual Looked After Children Education Outcomes report, in future, be moved to a cycle following the performance indicator submission at the end of April.