Issue - meetings
Recommendations from the School Transport Task & Finish Group
Meeting: 28/04/2016 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 81)
81 Recommendations from the School Transport Task & Finish Group PDF 85 KB
(a) That the recommendations of the Task & Finish Group be endorsed and submitted to Cabinet for its consideration;
(b) That the Committee request that Cabinet consider the impact of any change to the existing school network; and
(c) That the Committee request that if Cabinet agree to take forward any of the proposed policy changes, that the Committee be consulted on the changes with all necessary information.
The Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the report which set out the recommendations of the Group, for consideration by the Committee with a view to making recommendations to Cabinet.
The Facilitator explained that Cabinet had approved the engagement of JMP Consultants to assist with the assessment and delivery of the financial benefit that would be derived from the Integrated Transport Unit (ITU). The areas that had been identified as ones that could be considered for further policy development work were detailed in paragraph 1.05. The policy change options and any recommendations by the Committee would be presented to Cabinet following this meeting. The Task and Finish Group met on 14th March 2016 and had considered the breakdown of information for each policy change option and following a detailed presentation, had made some suggestions for Cabinet to consider when reviewing any operation and policy changes.
Councillor Dave Mackie expressed his disappointment at the proposals in the report and suggested that the Committee had not been given enough information on the impact that the proposals would have if they were implemented. Mrs. Janine Beggan concurred and, in referring to the earlier presentation about the sixth form hub, spoke of the possible impact on other sixth forms. The Chairman sought clarification on the current policy and suggested that if a child who was not a catholic wanted to attend St. Richard Gwyn High School they would need to pay for their transport but those attending the sixth form hub would not. The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) suggested that Members appeared to be confusing the denominational transport policy for 11 to 16 year olds and the post 16 transport policy. He added that the post 16 policy referred to the nearest suitable provider of the curriculum options.
The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) said that the report accurately reflected the outcome of the Task and Finish Group. He added that the Group had considered a large amount of information and had declined to take a position on issues other than those identified in paragraph 1.08.
Mr. Bernard Stuart asked if the notes from the Task and Finish Group could be submitted to Cabinet as part of their consideration. He raised concern at the comment on denominational school transport referred to in paragraph 1.05 and said that following a ruling in May 2015 in relation to Welsh Medium Schools, denominational school transport could not be considered in isolation. The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) welcomed the suggestion to submit the notes to Cabinet and added that any proposals that Cabinet sought to take forward would need to take account of the judgements Mr. Stuart had referred to.
Following the discussions, the Chairman suggested that two additional resolutions be included as follows:-
‘That the Committee request that Cabinet consider the impact of any change to the existing school network; and
‘That the Committee request that if Cabinet agree to take forward any of the proposed policy changes, that the Committee be consulted ... view the full minutes text for item 81