Issue - meetings
054536 - General Matters - Application for the Variation of Condition No. 10 (Extension to Working Hours) & Condition No. 26 (Increase Height of Stockpiles) Attached to Planning Permission 052359 at Flintshire Waste Management, Ewloe Barns Industrial
Meeting: 20/04/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 177)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for 054536 - General Matters - Application for the Variation of Condition No. 10 (Extension to Working Hours) & Condition No. 26 (Increase Height of Stockpiles) Attached to Planning Permission 052359 at Flintshire Waste Management, Ewloe Barns, item 177 PDF 427 KB
- Webcast for General Matters - Application for the Variation of Condition No. 10 (Extension to Working Hours) & Condition No. 26 (Increase Height of Stockpiles) Attached to Planning Permission 052359 at Flintshire Waste Management, Ewloe Barns Industrial Estate, Mold Road, Ewloe (054536)
That the following wording be used on the decision notice for application 054536:
“The proposed increase in working hours would result in unacceptable noise and disturbance on residential amenity, contrary to policies GEN1 (d), EWP 8 (b) and (f) and EWP13 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.”
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application. The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.
The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) advised that the report was seeking clarification on the wording for the reason for refusal of planning permission from the Planning and Development Control Committee meeting on 23rd March 2016. He advised that Councillor Carol Ellis had been contacted to discuss the wording as she had proposed refusal of the application at that meeting.
Councillor Ellis proposed that the suggested wording for refusal of the application be accepted, which was duly seconded.
That the following wording be used on the decision notice for application 054536:
“The proposed increase in working hours would result in unacceptable noise and disturbance on residential amenity, contrary to policies GEN1 (d), EWP 8 (b) and (f) and EWP13 of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.”