Issue - meetings

055209 - Full Application - Application for Amendments to Previously Approved House Types Including Amended Site Layout to Allow for 61 Dwellings (Increase by 11 Dwellings) at Croes Atti, Chester Road, Oakenholt.

Meeting: 22/06/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 21)

21 Full Application - Application for Amendments to Previously Approved House Types Including Amended Site Layout to Allow for 61 Dwellings (Increase by 11 Dwellings) at Croes Atti, Chester Road, Oakenholt. (055209) pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment).




The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report. 


The officer detailed the background information to the report and advised that the application related to the erection of 61 dwellings, being 11 additional dwellings to that shown on the original approval for this part of the site.  The dwellings proposed consisted of mainly detached, semi-detached and terraced 2 storey dwellings and some 2.5 storey properties.  


The officer referred to the consultations undertaken and advised that the local Ward Member had raised concerns on the changes proposed and one letter of objection had been received.  He advised that the recommendation was to grant approval subject to the conditions detailed in paragraph 2.01 of the report.


Mr M Mallon spoke in support of the application for the applicant Persimmon Homes (North West) Limited.  He said the site formed part of a wider development in which Anwyl had already secured planning permission for housing and therefore the principle for developing the site was well established. Persimmon Homes had recently completed an earlier phase at Croes Atti in which smaller house properties proved popular with young families and first time buyers.  Smaller house types mean that there will be an increase in the number of properties slightly above the number applied for.  Mr. Mallon referred to the recommendation for approval in the officer’s report and said there were no objections from any of the statutory consultees.  He continued that the design of the house types followed the plan already approved and would be in keeping with the development in the area.  He outlined the benefits of the proposal and said that 10% of the units would be affordable and in accordance with the S106 agreement to develop affordable housing, would create jobs, and stimulate the economy.


Councillor Ian Dunbar proposed the officer’s recommendation for approval which as duly seconded. He said the area of land which was the subject of the application related to 1.34 hectares of an overall site of 27 hectares.   He continued that  the application formed part of the third phase of development on the site and commented on the affordability of smaller homes and the need for affordable housing to be provided.  Councillor Dunbar also referred to the condition with the recommendation to safeguard the two known areas of Roman occupation.


Councillor Owen Thomas also commented on the issue of affordability and referred to the number of applications made by different builders on the site.  He queried whether the original planning for affordable homes was being achieved and if there were the appropriate number of affordable dwellings on site. 


Councillor Chris Bithell referred to the 20% increase in development and said this was a major development that had changed dramatically over the years.  He said he acknowledged the reasons for some of the objections raised and that people should be made aware of any future developments  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21