Issue - meetings
Forward Work Programme
Meeting: 12/01/2017 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 76)
76 Forward Work Programme PDF 72 KB
Additional documents:
(a) That the Forward Work Programme, as submitted, be approved with amendments; and
(b) That the Democratic Services Manager, in consultation with the Chair, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, should this be necessary.
The Forward Work Programme was considered and the following actions agreed:
· The Budget Part 3 closing strategy would be considered along with the Capital Programme at the all-Member budget meeting on 20 January 2017.
· An additional item on cyber-crime was scheduled for the meeting on 9 March 2017 with Sergeant Peter Jones of North Wales Police in attendance. Members were asked to forward any questions/issues to the Democratic Services Manager in advance of the meeting.
· Following earlier discussion, Alwen Williams of BT would be invited to a meeting to discuss the broadband programme, in the current municipal year if possible.
On the Welsh Language Policy to be considered at the meeting in February 2017, the Chief Executive was pleased to report that all queries had been resolved satisfactorily with the Welsh Language Commissioner to achieve a reasonable set of Standards for the Council.
(a) That the Forward Work Programme, as submitted, be approved with amendments; and
(b) That the Democratic Services Manager, in consultation with the Chair, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, should this be necessary.