Issue - meetings

Establishment Structure in Governance

Meeting: 21/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 31)

Establishment Structure in Governance


As detailed in the recommendations and with a further resolution as detailed below:


That a report be brought back to Cabinet in 6 months on progress with changes to support for Committees.


The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the report on the Establishment Structure in Governance.




(a)       That the high level structure for the whole Governance Portfolio be approved;


(b)       That the changes to Democratic Services be recommended to both the Democratic Services Committee and full Council;


(c)        That Democratic Services Committee be recommended to designate the Democratic Services Manager post as the Statutory Head of Democratic Services and that full Council be recommended to transfer to it the powers of the Democracy and Governance Manager as set out in paragraph 1.08 of the report;


(d)       That the structure for the Legal Service be approved; and


(e)       That a report be brought back in six months on progress with changes to support for Committees.


Councillor Shotton left the meeting during consideration of the item.