Issue - meetings
Flintshire County Council Integrated Transport Strategy
Meeting: 22/06/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 23)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for 055300 - Full Application - Conversion and Alteration of Stable Block to Holiday Accommodation at Fron Bach, Ffordd Las, Gwernymynydd, item 23 PDF 310 KB
- Webcast for Full Application - Conversion and Alteration of Stable Block to Holiday Accommodation at Fron Bach, Ffordd Las, Gwernymynydd (055300)
That planning permission be refused as it is considered that the proposal due to the amount of works, and alterations proposed to the existing fabric of the stable block it is tantamount to a new build in the open countryside, as the existing building is not of sufficient size to accommodate the proposal without extension and significant alteration to the existing stable. In addition the existing building is not considered to be of historic / architectural merit to be considered worthy of retention, as such the proposal is contrary to the provisions of Policy T3 - Self Catering Tourist Accommodation, of the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
After the vote had been taken, Councillor Nancy Matthews returned to the meeting and the Chairman advised her of the decision.
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 20 June 2016. The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received were detailed in the report. Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting.
The officer advised that the application was for the conversion, extension to, and alteration of an existing stable block to holiday accommodation at Fron Bach, Gwernymynydd. He explained that the main consideration around the application was its ability to comply with policy T3 Self Catering Tourist Accommodation, due to the works required to the fabric of the building to facilitate the development. The officer advised that the recommendation was for refusal of the application for the reasons set out in paragraph 2.01.
Mrs. Gillett, the applicant, spoke in support of the application for the change of use of a redundant stable block to a holiday let at Fron Bach. She said that the believed the application accorded with the Welsh Government strategy which aimed for tourism to grow in a sustainable way and to make an increasing contribution to the economic, social, and environmental well being of Wales. Mrs. Gillet said that the proposed alteration and extension to the stable block would not be tantamount to a new building in the countryside. She detailed the proposed works and alterations to the building and said the infrastructure was already in place and there was adequate parking attached to the accommodation. She said the proposal would accord with policy T3 as it did not restrict conversion of rural buildings to those of architectural or historical merit. Mrs. Gillet said her proposal was similar to schemes which had already been approved in local areas and that the need for holiday accommodation in the area was recognised by granting permission for a caravan site and amenity block locally.
Councillor Chris Bithell proposed that the application be refused in accordance with the reasons set out in report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) as he said it did not comply with Planning policy. He said that the building did not have any historic or architectural merits and if approved could set a precedent for similar applications across the County. He supported the recommendation in the report.
Councillor Derek Butler said the need to encourage tourism in Flintshire was recognised, however, the application did not comply with Planning policy and he commented on the need for consistency.
The Local Member, Councillor Nancy Matthews, referred to two recent applications which had been granted by the Planning Committee for holiday/tourist accommodation in local areas. She said that the application for consideration at the meeting accorded with planning policy rules concerning the conversion of an existing buildings which are structurally sound and do not have to be of architectural merit. She said that policy T3 does not restrict extensions where they are not extensive. She continued ... view the full minutes text for item 23