Issue - meetings

055411 - Full Application - Erection of Waste Transfer Building and Storage Bays, Formation of Additional Hard Standing and Retention of Boundary Fencing at Flintshire Waste Management, Ewloe Barns Industrial Estate, Mold Road, Ewloe.

Meeting: 22/02/2017 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 135)

135 055411 - A - Full Application - Erection of Waste Transfer Building and Storage Bays, Formation of Additional Hard Standing and Retention of Boundary Fencing at Flintshire Waste Management, Ewloe Barns Industrial Estate, Mold Road, Ewloe pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit. The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting, which included the conditions also detailed in the late observations.


            The proposal was for the erection of a waste transfer building on an existing waste management site within an established industrial estate.  The proposal would comprise the erection of a waste transfer building, construction of concrete push walls and the retention of fencing.  The proposal would not result in any change to the nature and tonnage of waste types which could be managed at the site.


            The proposal would see significant improvements to the operation of the site, reducing the impact of the current operation on local amenity by bringing the management of residual household black bag waste within a fully enclosed building.


            The site was located well away from residential properties and whilst distant views of the site would be possible from residential properties along Liverpool Road and Smithy Lane, any impact was not considered sufficient to cause significant harm to residential amenity and the proposed hours of operation would help to minimise the impact of the proposed development on residential amenity.


            The use of the building to accommodate the processing of waste and using machinery would help minimise noise from activities within the site. 


             The activities undertaken at the site had the potential to generate odour and dust and the management of wastes within the proposed building would help the operator control dust and minimise odour.  The building itself would also act as a barrier to dust leaving the site.


            Mr N. Foxhall spoke in support of the application on the following grounds: the company had operated the facility for a number of years and improved and enlarged the site to process waste; fully enclosed building with roller shutter doors; delivery via existing access and no increase to waste delivered to site; improvement to current facility based on enclosed building which would reduce noise, dust and vermin and a hard standing concrete area which would reduce debris from the site; and no objections from statutory consultees.


Councillor Butler proposed the officer recommendation for approval which was duly seconded. He commented on the conditions outlined in the report, particularly in relation to the wheel washing.  Those were also outlined in the comments received from Welsh Government (WG) as outlined in the late observations which he welcomed.


Councillor Wisinger added the proposal would benefit the site as it would be undercover and a good barrier against noise and smell.


Councillor Ellis explained that the complaints about the site had been well documented.  She commented in particular on the mud on the roads, which had been particularly bad over recent weeks, and welcomed the condition on wheel washing for the safety of all road users.  There had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 135