Issue - meetings
Performance Report 2015/16
Meeting: 08/09/2016 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 21)
21 Performance Report 2015/16 PDF 103 KB
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That the report be noted.
The Committee received a report analysing the Council’s progress towards the national indicators set by the Welsh Government (WG) during 2015/16. The information included trend analysis for indicators relevant to the Committee together with an overall view across the organisation.
Councillor Dave Mackie highlighted the need for final statements of special education need to be issued within the deadline. Councillor Chris Bithell explained that this indicator represented a small cohort and that the downward trend had been due to only one late report arising from staff absence.
Mrs. Rebecca Stark referred to the current financial challenges in local government and welcomed the Council’s consistently good performance which had been recognised in the Wales Audit Office draft Annual Improvement Report for 2014/15.
That the report be noted.