Issue - meetings

Quarter 2/Mid-Year Improvement Plan Monitoring Report 2016/17

Meeting: 09/01/2017 - Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 47)

47 Quarter 2 Improvement Plan 2016/17 Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Report of Democratic Services Manager


Purpose:       To consider the Quarter 2 Improvement Plan 2016/17 Monitoring Report relevant to the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Additional documents:


That the Committee supports the progress made under Quarter 2 of the Improvement Plan for the Modern and Efficient Council.     



The Chief Officer (Organisational Change 2) introduced a report to present the monitoring of progress for the second quarter of the Improvement Plan 2016/17  priority ‘Modern and Efficient Council’ relevant to the Committee.  He referred to progress against the high level activities, as detailed in the report, and advised that there were currently no high level risk areas identified for the Committee.


            Councillor Paul Shotton referred to page 48 of the report and the risk of  sustainability of Community Asset Transfers (CATs) in the early stages of development.  He commented on the need for a financial contribution to be made by all the relevant Town and Community Councils where neighbouring residents continued to have use of the leisure facilities which were provided by a community asset transfer.    




That the Committee supports the progress made under Quarter 2 of the Improvement Plan for the Modern and Efficient Council.