Issue - meetings
Quarter 3 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report 2016/17
Meeting: 02/03/2017 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 69)
69 Quarter 3 Improvement Plan 2016/17 Monitoring Report PDF 130 KB
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(a) That the report be received; and
(b) That the Committee recommends that the future Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee continues to monitor the progress of the situation in Care Homes.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report to present the monitoring of progress for the third quarter of the Improvement Plan 2016/17 priority ‘Living Well’ relevant to the Committee. He provided background information and advised that it was a positive report with 95% of agreed actions being assessed as making good progress. The Chief Officer reported on the one major risk area, as detailed in paragraph 1.07 of the report, concerning fragility and sustainability of the care home sector.
Councillor Dave Mackie commented on the areas where targets were not being achieved by the Service and said when there were genuine reasons why this was not possible this should be acknowledged in the setting of the targets.
Councillor Dave Mackie commented on the figure for delayed transfer of care for Social Services reasons and the figures reported by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB).
The Chief Officer commented on the monthly reconciliation of figures on residential social care between the Authority and BCUHB and explained that the figures reported to the Committee were as agreed with BCUHB.
Councillor Hilary McGuill expressed concerns around demography and the potential for an ageing population in Flintshire and the demand for residential care in the future.
During discussion Members expressed concerns around the impact of the closure of community hospitals in some local areas and expressed the view that there was not adequate alternative provision in place.
(a) That the report be received; and
(b) That the Committee recommends that the future Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee continues to monitor the progress of the situation in Care Homes.