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Meeting: 08/03/2017 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 56)
56 Quarter 3 Improvement Plan 2016/17 PDF 134 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 – Quarter 3 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report – Housing, item 56 PDF 750 KB
- Appendix 2 – Quarter 3 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report – Economy and Enterprise, item 56 PDF 708 KB
- Appendix 3 – Quarter 3 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report – Poverty, item 56 PDF 726 KB
That the report be noted.
The Committee received the regular update report to consider progress towards the delivery of the impacts set out in the 2016/17 Improvement Plan, focussing on the areas of under and good performance relevant to the Committee during Quarter 3.
The Service Manager (Customer Support) highlighted the effect of the triage approach in helping to manage 53% of residents’ enquiries at the first point of contact. Although the target on the prevention of homelessness had been achieved, the outcomes of some longer-term cases (due to new legislation) would be reported in Quarter 4.
The Service Manager (Enterprise & Regeneration) advised that the Council was allocating additional resources and working with the Welsh Government (WG) to help achieve the target on the completion of loans for private sector home improvements.
The Capital Works Team Manager thanked the Committee for its support on the delivery of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) where the majority of targets had been exceeded. Following positive progress on kitchen, bathroom and heating upgrades, the focus was shifting to external projects such as roof replacements and environmental workstreams.
Councillor David Cox requested the number of empty homes in the county and called for changes in legislation to address those standing vacant over a prolonged period. The Service Manager (Enterprise & Regeneration) agreed to provide a separate response. He spoke about various incentives aimed at bringing empty properties back into use including the Council’s policy on Council Tax for empty homes.
On behalf of the tenants, Councillor Paul Shotton thanked the team for their work on the transformation of Pen-y-Lan Court in Connah’s Quay. On the WHQS, he was advised that no significant changes had been made to the six year plans previously shared with Members.
In response to praise from Councillor Ian Dunbar on the Council’s WHQS programme, the Capital Works Team Manager said that progress was continually improving. Councillor Helen Brown gave a reminder that the commitments given to tenants in the Housing Choices document were being exceeded.
In response to remarks from Councillors George Hardcastle and Ray Hughes, it was explained that discussions on garage sites at previous Member workshops were being used to identify appropriate sites for development within the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme. An update on the programme would be shared at a later stage.
Councillor Ray Hughes thanked the officer team for their assistance on a property adaptation for a disabled resident. He referred to the significant cost implications of converting bathrooms to wetrooms, pointing out that they could be used by able-bodied residents. The Capital Works Team Manager explained that the sheltered housing review was ongoing and he spoke about the complexities involved in balancing individual needs whilst maximising the limited funding.
The Service Manager (Customer Support) reported that the co-location of the Welfare Rights team and Citizen Advice Service was proving beneficial in supporting residents to better manage their financial commitments. However, the absence of a key Council officer during the period had resulted in additional support from the Citizen ... view the full minutes text for item 56