Issue - meetings
Quarter 3 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report 2016/17
Meeting: 13/03/2017 - Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 61)
61 Quarter 3 Improvement Plan 2016/17 Monitoring Report PDF 112 KB
Additional documents:
That the Quarter 3 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report be received.
The Chief Officer (Organisational Change 1) introduced a report to present the monitoring of progress for the third quarter of the Improvement Plan 2016/17 priority ‘Modern and Efficient Council’ relevant to the Committee. He referred to progress against the high level activities, as detailed in the report, and advised that there were currently no high level risk areas identified for the Committee.
Councillor Dave Mackie referred to page 20 of the report and the Action to encourage volunteers and active citizens. He referred to the workload and responsibilities taken on by volunteers to run and manage a community asset transfer and expressed the view that the amber judgement on outcome should be red to reflect the importance of the role of volunteers.
The Chief Officer (Organisational Change 1) acknowledged the point made and explained that ongoing and annual meetings were held with each of the groups taking on a CAT to review progress. The need to refresh and recruit new volunteers within the groups was regularly raised and professional staff were engaged to work alongside voluntary staff to provide support regarding some of the larger asset transfer projects. The Chief Officer commented on the work of the Flintshire Local Voluntary Council and emphasised the importance of Groups connecting with and using the services provided by the organisation.
Councillor Bernie Attridge referred to the Council’s continuing engagement with voluntary groups around asset transfers and gave an assurance that year on year support would be provided to monitor progress and ensure any issues were addressed at an early stage.
Councillor Chris Bithell commented on the high calibre and professionalism of the volunteers who had come forward to provide their services to run and manage a community asset transfer. The Chief Officer commented on the benefit to the Council and the community in terms of the opportunity to access the skill and expertise of individuals which had become known through the volunteer programme.
Councillor Bernie Attridge suggested that following the May 2017 elections a register of all CATs be compiled to enable the new Organisational Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider future progress.
That the Quarter 3 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report be received.