Issue - meetings

Quarter 4/Year-End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report 2016/17

Meeting: 28/07/2017 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 Improvement Plan 2016/17 Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 159 KB

To enable Members to fulfil their scrutiny role in relation to performance monitoring.


Additional documents:


That the Committee welcomed the Improvement Plan 2016/17 out-turn

monitoring report and congratulated the Service on its achievements. 



The Interim Chief Officer (Education and Youth) presented a report on the Improvement Plan 2016/17 Outturn Report to consider progress towards the delivery of the impacts set out in the 2016/17 Improvement Plan, focussing on the areas of under-performance relevant to the Committee at the end of year.


                        Mr David Hytch asked if there was a problem recruiting teaching staff in schools.  The Interim Chief Officer advised that schools in Flintshire had been able to recruit to leadership positions without difficulty, however, there was a decline in the number of applications received.  She commented that there was a general concern around applications for senior leadership roles in schools.


                        Mr David Hytch referred to page 86 of the report, and the strategy for repairs and maintenance of school buildings and expressed concern that the Authority did not have the financial capacity to fully address the matter.  The Interim Chief Officer acknowledged that it was a challenging situation and  managed as best as possible with the resources available.  She explained that there was a detailed matrix to support the repair and maintenance of school buildings. 


                        Councillor David Williams sought clarification around support for the Youth Service, wellbeing and health, and adult education.  The Interim Chief Officer gave reassurance that the Youth Service was part of the Service portfolio and advised that the Education Improvement Strategy was a more detailed plan which drove the day to day business of the Service.  She offered to provide more information on the Youth Service to a future meeting of the Committee.


                        During discussion the Officers responded to questions and referred to the qualifications, training, and pathways provided for young people through the accreditation framework within the Youth Service.  Responding to further questions around adult education, the Head of the Inclusion Service explained that the grant for adult learning was low but work was ongoing with the Welsh Government (WG) to review the grant and with Coleg Cambria and Adult  Learning Wales around adult education provision.


                        In response to comments from Councillor Andy Dunbobbin concerning Welsh outcomes at KS2 and Foundation Phase, the Interim Chief Officer explained that the Welsh cohort within Flintshire primary schools was small and the data could be variable.  She referred to the dedicated support which was provided by the Authority’s Welsh Advisory Team and the Regional Service. 


                        The Interim Chief Officer responded to the comments and concerns from Mr. Hytch regarding performance and target setting and reported on  the target setting methodology between the Authority and the Regional Service. 




That the Committee welcomed the Improvement Plan 2016/17 out-turn

monitoring report and congratulated the Service on its achievements.