Issue - meetings

Children’s Service update to include repeat referrals in Child Services

Meeting: 15/09/2016 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 29)

29 Children’s Service update to include repeat referrals in Child Services pdf icon PDF 88 KB

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That the Committee is content with the progress made in delivering a response to the CSSIW Inspection Report including progress in reducing and managing repeat referrals.



The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report to provide an update on progress concerning the key actions in response to the CSSIW Inspection of Children’s Services, including progress in reducing and managing repeat referrals.  He invited the Senior Manager Children and Workforce to report on the main considerations.


The Senior Manager Children and Workforce referred to the four key actions planned in response to the CSSIW Inspection and progress to date.   He confirmed, as detailed in the report, that a revised structure was now fully operational with an enhanced focus on early intervention, a new assessment framework had been developed, re-referrals were reducing,  and the quality assurance framework was being taken forward.


Councillor Hilary McGuill  referred to paragraph 1.13 in the report and raised a query relating to  the same incident being counted as a repeat referral.  The  Senior Manager Children and Workforce advised that steps were being taken to move away from the current process whereby he same incident was counted more than once.  Councillor McGuill also commented on the need to strengthen communication links with schools around safeguarding children.  The Senior Manager Children and Workforce advised that he would be attending a meeting of the Intervention Hub with the multi agency partners and he would raise the issue of improving communications between partners.  The Chief Officer commented on the importance of early intervention and good communication  links between Health, Education, Police  and Social Services.




That the Committee is content with the progress made in delivering a response to the CSSIW Inspection Report including progress in reducing and managing repeat referrals.