Issue - meetings

055579 - Full Application - Change of Use to House in Multiple Occupation (Retrospective) at 24 The Brackens, Buckley.

Meeting: 12/10/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 86)

86 055579 - Full Application - Change of Use to House in Multiple Occupation (Retrospective) at 24 The Brackens, Buckley. pdf icon PDF 71 KB

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That planning permission be refused, against officer recommendation, on the grounds of being out of keeping with the area; creation of traffic problems; creation of access issues for the existing nearby supported living accommodation; and the impact on residential amenity. 


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 10th October 2016.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report. 


                        The application was made in retrospect for the change of use of a 6 bedroom dwelling to a 7 bedroom house of multiple occupation.


                        Mr Cox spoke against the application on behalf of the residents of The Brackens.  He commented on the following: The Brackens was quiet cul de sac; the property had multiple inhabitants and had been rented for the past 4 years without permission; insufficient parking spaces, including when friends and family visited, and the removal of a wall to provide additional parking would still not be sufficient; supported living accommodation next door but one to the proposed site which emergency vehicles struggled to gain access to; newly built flats and apartments within 250 metres; each room was rented out to young adults and teenagers which resulted in trouble in the area.


                        Councillor Hampson proposed refusal of the application which was against officer recommendation, which was duly seconded.  He said this was not a suitable area for a house of multiple occupation, explaining that the access was poor and there was insufficient parking.  On the same estate there were two blocks of 1 and 2 bedroom flats which had vacancies and based on that, he felt this application was unnecessary.  There had been no permission for the dwelling of multiple occupancy over the last 4 years.  There were no fire doors installed at the property and the Police had been called to incidents on a number of occasions.  The supported living accommodation on The Brackens was there due to it being a quiet area however this was no longer the case because of this property.  Councillor Dolphin said he was substituting for Councillor Phillips but asked that the views of Councillor Phillips in supporting refusal of the application be noted on a human and social conscience level.   The Solicitor advised that the committee should consider planning land use and issues, and not human and personal levels.


                        Councillor Peers commented on the useful site visit that had taken place.  The road was a quiet one and he had concerns on the impact on amenity due to the residential area and the supported living accommodation on that road.  He accepted that people needed to live somewhere but said that needed to be considered carefully; he felt the impact on amenity outweighed that need.


                        Councillor Ellis supported the views of Councillor Hampson in an area of which the houses were built as family homes.  She also raised concerns on the parking facilities, highlighting the comment from the Head of Assets and Transportation in the report which said there was an issue with parked cars obstructing the highway.  She expressed her concern on the access for emergency vehicles attending the supported living accommodation and concluded that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 86