Issue - meetings

The Final Stage of the Review of Existing Speed Limit Orders on the Council's Highway Network and Proposed Process Improvements for any Future Changes to Speed Limit Orders

Meeting: 20/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 61)

61 The Final Stage of the Review of Existing Speed Limit Orders on the Council's Highway Network and Proposed Process Improvements for any Future Changes to Speed Limit Orders pdf icon PDF 87 KB


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Attridge introduced the report on the Final Stage of the Review of Existing Speed Limit Orders on the Council’s Highway Network and Proposed Process Improvements for any Future Changes to Speed Limit Orders.


                        The report detailed the intended approach for the next and final phase of the work which would address anomalies within the existing speed limit orders on all other routes on the Highway Network.  In addition, the current process for implementing speed limit orders was both complex and time consuming and there was a clear need to adopt a more efficient method of working.  Adopting a revised process would provide a consistent, transparent and more simplistic approach for any future revisions to speed limit orders.


                        A mapping exercise was required which would accurately record the positioning of all existing speed limits which would result in a single consolidated Order.  The information on all speed limits would be easily accessible to members of the pubic via the Flintshire County Council website.


                        Adoption of the revised process would streamline the current process and would also reduce demand on officer’s time.


                        The report had been submitted to Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee where it was fully supported.




(a)       That the revised process to deliver the final phase of the review of speed limit orders on all of the Council’s Highway Network be approved; and


(b)       That the proposed changes to the process which will be adopted for any future revisions of highway speed limit orders be approved.