Issue - meetings

055835 - Full Application - Demolition of School, Erection of 18 No. Dwellings Arranged as 5 No. Terraced Units and all Associated Development Works at Ysgol Delyn, Alexandra Road, Mold.

Meeting: 16/11/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 97)

97 055835 - A - Full Application - Demolition of School, Erection of 18 No. Dwellings Arranged as 5 No. Terraced Units and all Associated Development Works at Ysgol Delyn, Alexandra Road, Mold. pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


That Planning Permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment).


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application.  The usual considerations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.


The officer highlighted the issues raised by Mold Town Council on highway and traffic impact, flood alleviation measures and landscaping, which had been addressed as set out in the report.  Matters usually addressed by S106 Agreements were proposed to be dealt with as part of the Conditions.


The recommendation for approval was proposed by Councillor Derek Butler and seconded by Councillor Ian Dunbar.


Councillor Mike Peers sought clarification on what was considered to be an adequate degree of amenity space and whether the 11m garden depth was a mandatory requirement.  He also asked for an explanation on the proposed removal of rights to alter roofs and make extensions to the dwellings.


Councillor Nancy Matthews raised concerns about the impact of any surface water flow from the development to the other side of Wrexham Road, particularly at the junction with Brook Street where flooding problems had previously occurred.  She sought assurance on traffic management along the road and asked if there were plans to improve the junction with Gas Lane, Wrexham Road and Victoria Road.


In response to a question from Councillor Gareth Roberts on the potential for education contributions to be reflected in the price paid by the developer, the Solicitor explained that in these circumstances, where the Council are the owners of the land as well as the local planning authority all infrastructure impacts are to be addressed through prior to commencement conditions.  On a similar matter, Councillor Richard Jones asked about safeguards to ensure contributions were not lost if the land was to be sold on for development by a third party.  The Solicitor advised that while these issues were often addressed in practice when completing the sale of land, all the Committee needed to be satisfied of is that prior to commencement Conditions are sufficient to ensure the schemes to address infrastructure impacts would be agreed before commencement of development.  The Planning Strategy Manager gave a reminder that the development partner was working with and for the Council on this proposed development which formed part of the Council’s Strategic Housing & Regeneration Programme.  The Development Manager gave assurance that the Council was able to negotiate terms and conditions if the land was sold.


In response to the other comments, the officer said that the 11m for garden depth was a guidance figure and where this could not be achieved, a certain area requirement was needed, ie  50 sq metres on this application.  He also explained that the removal of rights ensured that any changes by subsequent occupiers of dwellings would not adversely impact on amenity space.  The concerns about surface water were addressed through the responses from Natural Resources Wales and Welsh Water, and traffic movement would be lessened due to there now being only one local school.  It was suggested that concerns about traffic at the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 97