Issue - meetings
055921 - Application for Variation of Condition Nos 5 & 15 Attached to Planning Permission Ref: 054201 to Enable the Sorting of Waste Within the Transfer Building and Subsequent Removal Off-Site of Recyclable Material and to Extend Permitted Hours fo
Meeting: 16/11/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 96)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for 055921 - Application for Variation of Condition Nos 5 & 15 Attached to Planning Permission Ref: 054201 to Enable the Sorting of Waste Within the Transfer Building and Subsequent Removal Off-Site of Recyclable Material and to Extend Permitt, item 96 PDF 353 KB
- Webcast for 055921 - A - Application for Variation of Condition Nos 5 & 15 Attached to Planning Permission Ref: 054201 to Enable the Sorting of Waste Within the Transfer Building and Subsequent Removal Off-Site of Recyclable Material and to Extend Permitted Hours for the Waste Transfer Station to Enable Receipt of Waste and Bulking from 0600 Hours and Sorting Operations from 07:30 Hours Monday - Saturdays at Parrys Quarry, Pinfold Lane, Alltami.
That permission be granted for a Section 73 application to vary Condition Nos. 5 and 15 attached to application 054201 subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment).
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application. The usual considerations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.
The officer gave an overview of the application and advised that the changes were in line with policy and that no objections had been made by the Highways section, the highway authority and Environmental Health. Attention was drawn to the appeal decision on application number 054536 relating to a similar site where the Inspector had placed significant weight on the outcome of the noise assessment. As such, the officer advised that in the absence of any technical reasons not to allow the variation, the recommendation was for approval.
Councillor Ian Dunbar said that the Committee should note the appeal decision as mentioned. In respect of the application under consideration, he proposed the recommendation for approval on the basis set out in the report, particularly noting the aim for consistent operating hours across the whole site and the findings of the noise assessment. This was seconded by Councillor Gareth Roberts.
Councillor Mike Peers questioned whether the use of a mobile screener at the site from 7.30am should be specifically set out in the Conditions.
On the appeal decision for application 054536, Councillor Richard Jones pointed out that only a six month permission had been granted.
In response, the officer confirmed that the restriction on the mobile screener formed part of the proposed Conditions. On application 054536, she acknowledged that temporary permission had been granted (as per the applicant’s request) but pointed out that the comparison had been made due to the weight given by the Inspector to the findings of the technical noise assessment undertaken on both applications. This resulted in there being no technical reasons to refuse the application.
On being put to the vote, the proposal to approve the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation was carried.
That permission be granted for a Section 73 application to vary Condition Nos. 5 and 15 attached to application 054201 subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment).