Issue - meetings
School Modernisation Update
Meeting: 17/11/2016 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 34)
34 School Modernisation update PDF 89 KB
Purpose: To inform the Committee of progress of the School Modernisation Programme.
Additional documents:
That progress of the School Modernisation Programme be noted.
The Chief Officer introduced a report to give an update on progress of the School Modernisation Programme. He provided background information and advised that the former Holywell High School building had been demolished and that the project remained on time and within budget. The Chief Officer reported that at the meeting of Cabinet held on 18 October 2016, approval had been given for the development of the school capital project at Connah’s Quay High School to design development, tender and full business case submission to the Welsh Government (WG) in line with programme criteria. At the same meeting Cabinet had also approved the capital project at Penyffordd to design development, tender, and full business case submission to the WG. The Chief Officer advised that the remaining funding from 21st Century Schools Band A programme would be used on Queensferry Campus to support the modernisation of inclusion provision in the area.
The Chief Officer reported that at its meeting on 18 October 2016, Cabinet had also agreed to allow more time for the Governors and Diocesan Authority to work through strategic options for collaboration and sustainability of the Diocesan school estate. He explained that a report to Cabinet on Nercwys VA School Review was appended to the report.
The Chief Officer commented on the recent Ministerial announcement concerning a small frontline grant which was available for schools. He also referred to the work to be undertaken regarding the national approach to federation and the need for any small and rural schools which may face closure in the future to consider this option, having tried all other possible solutions beforehand.
The Chairman invited Members to raise questions.
Referring to the capital project at Connah’s Quay High School, Councillor Paul Shotton asked if the contractor had been named. The Senior Manager School Planning and Provision advised that a submission of interest had been received and evaluated and the contractor would be identified next week. In response to the comments made by Councillor Shotton, the Senior Manager School Planning and Provision agreed to provide the Committee with information on who pays for the bus service for out-of-county pupils and in-county pupils attending Deeside 6th.
Mr. David Hytch commented on the need to ensure all young people had access to 6th form education and raised concerns around the admissions policy for Deeside 6th. Mr. Hytch asked that a breakdown of the information circulated at the last meeting on which secondary schools pupils at the Deeside 6th had attended be circulated to the Committee.
The Chief Officer referred to the performance profile across Flintshire and commented that too many learners were not achieving the grades they should be. Further work was needed to improve the advice and guidance given to young people to ensure that all information was as informed as it could be on the pathways available to them. He confirmed that the admission policy at Deeside 6th mirrored that of school sixth forms across Flintshire.
Councillor ... view the full minutes text for item 34