Issue - meetings

Supporting People Local Commissioning Plan

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 151)

151 Supporting People Local Commissioning Plan pdf icon PDF 112 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Brown presented the Supporting Local People Commissioning Plan report which presented the spend plan for 2017/18.  It aligned with the priorities laid out within the Supporting People local Commissioning Plan 2016/18.


                        The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) commented on the importance of the services and was pleased to explain that Welsh Government (WG) recognised the value of continuing to fund low level preventative support services which helped to reduce pressures on more expensive specialist health, care and homeless services and the protection of the grant for 2017/18 was welcomed.


                        Details of the spend proposals for 2017/18 were outlined, in particular the continuation of funding of the Male Refuge in Flintshire, which evidence had demonstrated was a much needed service for North Wales, and the continuation to fund the homeless prevention posts.




That the Supporting People Programme Grant Spend Plan for 2017/18 be approved.