Issue - meetings
055936 - Renewal of Outline Planning Permission Ref: 046545 for Residential Development at Hillcrest, Mount Pleasant Road, Buckley
Meeting: 22/02/2017 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 135)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for 055936 - Renewal of Outline Planning Permission Ref: 046545 for Residential Development at Hillcrest, Mount Pleasant Road, Buckley, item 135 PDF 416 KB
- Webcast for 055936 - A - Renewal of Outline Planning Permission Ref: 046545 for Residential Development at Hillcrest, Mount Pleasant Road, Buckley
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application. The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report. Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting. Councillors Ellis, Peers and Phillips, having earlier declared personal and prejudicial interests in the application, left the meeting prior to its discussion.
The officer explained that this was a renewal of outline planning permission for residential development to the rear of Hillcrest, Mount Pleasant Road/Drury Lane, Buckley. It needed to be established whether there were any new material considerations since the previous grant of planning permission with the main considerations being the impact of the development on the adjacent Deeside and Buckley Newt Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the mining history of the site.
In order to try to bring development forward on the site, a 2 year outline permission was proposed with a 12 month time limit to submit the reserved matters. Issues relating to land contamination could be dealt with by condition. Details of the required bat mitigation needed to be provided at reserved matters stage and could also be secured by a condition. The impact on the SAC would be met through the mitigation land secured through the S106 agreement.
The officer added that condition 5 in the report should read ‘Mount Pleasant Road’ and not Lower Mountain Road.
Councillor Richard Jones moved the officer recommendation for approval which was duly seconded. He commented that it was an application for renewal with a 2 year permission which he supported.
In response to comments from Councillors Bithell and Butler, the officer explained that the permission was outline at this stage and the total number of dwellings would be detailed in the application for reserved matters when submitted. The numbers shown in this report were indicative only with all matters reserved.
That planning permission be granted subject to the following:
Prior completion of a S106 agreement to provide for:
· Open space provision - £1,100 per dwelling to enhance toddler play provision at the existing children’s play area on Mount Pleasant Road, Buckley
· Education provision - £12,257 per primary school pupil generated towards Mountain Lane Primary School
· Mitigation land to overcome indirect impacts on SAC through provision of informal recreational space and provision of ecological mitigation including long term management for both areas
And subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) which included an amendment to paragraph 4.0 of the report as detailed in the late observations.
After the vote had been taken, Councillors Ellis, Peers and Phillips returned to the meeting and were advised of the decision.