Issue - meetings
055579 - General Matters - Change of Use to House in Multiple Occupation (Retrospective) at 24 The Brackens, Buckley.
Meeting: 16/11/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 102)
Additional documents:
That the suggested reasons for refusal, as set out in paragraph 6.02 of the report, form the basis of the decision of the Council to application ref 055579.
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of the application which had been refused at the previous meeting. The proposed reasons were summarised as being out of keeping; would create traffic problems; would create access issues for the existing nearby supported living accommodation; and the impact on residential amenity.
Councillor Neville Phillips proposed acceptance of the suggested reasons to refuse the application and this was seconded by Councillor Mike Peers.
Councillor Gareth Roberts explained his intention to abstain from the vote as he had reluctantly voted for approval of the application in the absence of any reasonable planning grounds.
On being put to the vote, the proposal to accept the suggested reasons for refusal of the application was carried.
That the suggested reasons for refusal, as set out in paragraph 6.02 of the report, form the basis of the decision of the Council to application ref 055579.