Issue - meetings
Mobile Phones - Progress Update
Meeting: 25/01/2017 - Audit Committee (Item 41)
41 Mobile Phones - Progress Update PDF 95 KB
That the Committee is assured that the costs and processes for mobile phones are satisfactory.
The IT Infrastructure Manager presented an update report showing a breakdown of cost and use of mobile phones in the Council for 2015/16 compared with information previously shared for 2014/15.
The position in March 2016 showed a reduction in the number of mobile phones and costs, with further reductions expected following the introduction of new contractual arrangements involving inclusive tariffs. The Mobile Phone and Smartphone Policy had been updated and approved, and the new arrangements were expected to generate around £111K of savings each year.
The Chairman referred to concerns about the possible use of mobile phones for purposes other than work. The Manager gave assurance of regular monitoring of usage across portfolio areas. The Chief Officer (Governance) said that high usage was not an issue due to the inclusive minutes tariff.
Councillor Glyn Banks commended the terms of the new contract and projected efficiencies. In response, the Manager said that the full year savings could not be given due to the period of transferring to the new terms between August and November 2015, and the changing mobile phone estate.
The Chief Executive welcomed the improved cost controls, and observed that cost and usage were low in comparison to similar sized organisations where a large number of employees worked in a mobile way. He gave a reminder that mobile phones not only enabled work base and customer contact but also supported lone working and personal safety.
Councillor Ian Dunbar said that the report addressed the concerns previously raised.
That the Committee is assured that the costs and processes for mobile phones are satisfactory.