Issue - meetings

054660 - Appeal by U & I Group & Bloor Homes PLC Against the Non-Determination by Flintshire County Council for the Erection of 36 No. Dwellings at Chester Road, Broughton - ALLOWED.

Meeting: 14/12/2016 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 115)

115 054660 - Appeal by U & I Group & Bloor Homes PLC Against the Non-Determination by Flintshire County Council for the Erection of 36 No. Dwellings at Chester Road, Broughton - ALLOWED. pdf icon PDF 75 KB

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That the decision of the Inspector to allow this appeal be noted.


The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) commented on the weight the Inspector had given to the appeal on the identified lack of housing supply in Flintshire.


                        Councillor Butler expressed his disappointment at the decision and commented on the amount of growth that had taken place at Broughton Park, the traffic and noise problems and the lack of support from Welsh Government (WG).


                        Councillor Bithell supported the comments of Councillor Butler and referred to the report that was submitted to Cabinet the previous day on implications of decisions.  He received lots of correspondence from residents raising concerns on the situation in Broughton and said the application should be withdrawn.


                        Councillor Mullin commented on the previous assurances given to Members that safeguards were in place to prevent this situation.  He stressed the importance of a slip road being built and the Feasibility Study undertaken by Carl Sargeant AM which he said had been ignored by the Inspector.  He asked why WG was not listening to local businesses and residents and asked if the decision could be appealed. 


                        Councillor Peers said he had requested a copy of the transcript of the appeal and reiterated the views of Councillor Mullin in respect of the results of the WG Feasibility Study and then the decision of the Inspector.  He referred to a decision that had recently been called in by the First Minister and said this should also be called in.


                        A discussion took place on the possibility of the decision being called in.  Officers explained that this was not an option based on the order in which the decisions had been taken.  The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) said WGs decision was sound and it had not erred in law, but he agreed with the importance of a slip road to serve the shopping park and the primary employer in North East Wales.  The previous week WG had issued a consultation seeking projects to support the National Development Framework.  He felt that this could be submitted as part of that Framework and a report could be submitted to Cabinet in the New Year to seek a decision on that.


                        The Service Manager - Strategy explained that the Feasibility Study also looked at other options for Main Road, Broughton and those options were still available for the road network in that area.




            That the decision of the Inspector to allow this appeal be noted.