Issue - meetings

Strategic Risks - mid year review

Meeting: 25/01/2017 - Audit Committee (Item 36)

36 Strategic Risks - mid year review pdf icon PDF 113 KB

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That the Committee note the status of the 2016/17 mid-year summary of the strategic risks of the improvement priorities of the Council; endorsing the successful management of the risks.


The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer presented the position statement on the strategic risks contained within the Council’s 2016/17 Improvement Plan.


The current assessment showed a significant reduction in the level of risk with 88% reported as either moderate or minor/insignificant, demonstrating effective risk management during the period.  Although the six current red risks were being monitored, most involved factors outside the control of the Council or were due to financial challenges.  Details were given on the National Procurement Service (NPS), the only risk which had increased in significance.


In response to Councillor Haydn Bateman, the Chief Officer (Governance) provided clarification on the NPS run by Welsh Government (WG) which sought to offer procurement savings to councils in Wales through a collaborative approach.  Following an initial period, agreement had been reached with WG on the best use of procurement frameworks to achieve the best value for money in the interests of the Council.  On a query from Councillor Ian Roberts, the Chief Officer spoke about disadvantages of a national framework and the effective joint procurement service currently in place with Denbighshire Council.


Councillor Ian Dunbar asked about funding for flood alleviation schemes and was informed that capital funding had been made available for 2017/18.


Councillor Bateman made reference to the potential effects arising from the increased work programme on the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS).  The Chief Executive responded that there was a downward trend on this risk.  Risk was inevitable given the scale of the programme and its implementation being at a mid-point.  The risk remained open due to the potential for contractor under-performance, however this would reduce as the programme neared conclusion.


Councillor Ian Roberts highlighted contractor performance as an on-going concern.




That the Committee note the status of the 2016/17 mid-year summary of the strategic risks of the improvement priorities of the Council; endorsing the successful management of the risks.