Issue - meetings

Code of Corporate Governance and Annual Governance Statement

Meeting: 25/01/2017 - Audit Committee (Item 37)

37 Code of Corporate Governance and Annual Governance Statement pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee endorses the updated Code of Corporate Governance for adoption; and


(b)       That the Committee supports the process for the preparation of the Annual Governance Statement.


The Chief Executive introduced a report on the updated Code of Corporate Governance and preparation process for the next Annual Governance Statement (AGS).  Work on the AGS was underway and would be presented in June 2017 in its new format which was based on the national framework and guidance.


The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer spoke about the role of the Corporate Governance Working Group in reviewing the national guidance on the Code.  The new format for the Code had been simplified and provided a framework to inform the AGS.  As part of preparations for the AGS, the usual questionnaire had been circulated to seek the views of Overview & Scrutiny Chairs and Chief Officers.


Councillor Glyn Banks commended the approach.  The Chairman recorded the thanks of the Committee to those on the Working Group.




(a)       That the Committee endorses the updated Code of Corporate Governance for adoption; and


(b)       That the Committee supports the process for the preparation of the Annual Governance Statement.