Issue - meetings

053686 & 053687 - Appeal by SEP Wood Farm Ltd Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Proposed Development of Solar Photovoltaic Panels and Associated Works Including Inverter Housings, Access Track, Se

Meeting: 18/01/2017 - Planning & Development Control Committee (Item 128)

128 053686 & 053687 - Appeal by SEP Wood Farm Ltd Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Proposed Development of Solar Photovoltaic Panels and Associated Works Including Inverter Housing, Access Track, Security Fencing and Cameras on land at 2 sites on Deeside Lane, Sealand - DISMISSED pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


That the decision of the Inspector to dismiss this appeal be noted.


Councillor Chris Bithell commended the case officer on his handling of the application at the inquiry.  He also requested that all future appeals reports indicate whether the decision was made by the Committee or the officer, and that the name of the relevant Inspector be included for information.




That the decision of the Inspector to dismiss this appeal be noted.