Issue - meetings

Local Planning Guidance Notes to be formally adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes

Meeting: 17/01/2017 - Cabinet (Item 123)

123 Local Planning Guidance Notes to be formally adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes pdf icon PDF 87 KB


As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Attridge introduced the Local Planning Guidance Notes (LPGNs) to be Formally Adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes report which sought final approval for them to be used in support of policies in the adopted Flintshire Unitary Development Plan (UDP), for use in determining planning applications.


                        Councillor Bithell said he was a member of Planning Strategy Group where the LGPNs had been discussed and he particularly welcomed No. 23 – Developer Contributions to Education which would help to cater to the requirements of the pupils on a need basis.


                        The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) explained that the benefits of the guidance notes being adopted were that they were afforded greater weight as material planning considerations on land use planning decisions than had previously been the case.




That the guidance notes as Supplementary Planning Guidance be approved.