Issue - meetings

Corporate Safeguarding

Meeting: 09/02/2017 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 85)

85 Corporate Safeguarding pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee is assured that work is being undertaken to improve corporate arrangements for safeguarding children and adults;


(b)       That the draft Corporate Safeguarding Policy be noted; and


(c)       That annual reports be received on work carried out to improve corporate safeguarding arrangements and the effectiveness of relevant policies.


The Chief Executive presented the report on work being undertaken to ensure that the Council met its safeguarding responsibilities and sought comments on the draft Corporate Safeguarding Policy.


The Corporate Safeguarding Panel had carried out an assessment against the recommendations of the Wales Audit Office 2015 report ‘Review of Corporate Safeguarding Arrangements in Welsh Councils’ to strengthen the Council’s robust safeguarding arrangements already in place.  Key actions from the work programme developed by the Panel were shared together with a number of specific performance indicators to measure implementation of the policy.  The Chief Executive highlighted the importance of the workforce and elected Members accepting shared safeguarding responsibilities.


On the changes in behaviour which could indicate potential abuse, Councillor Marion Bateman stressed the importance of considering all behavioural factors rather than taking each in isolation.  The Chief Executive agreed and said that those listed in Appendix 2 of the policy were intended as a guide to alert actions on potential issues.


In welcoming the refresh of the Council’s safeguarding arrangements, Councillor Paul Shotton asked whether a reminder should be issued to reinforce individual responsibilities set out in the Code of Conduct.  The Chief Executive said that corporate safeguarding was part of the Member induction programme and that training was targeted at those employee groups who were most likely to come into contact with individuals at risk.


Councillor Robin Guest sought assurance that the draft policy did not replicate any other policy/guidance already in place.  The Chief Executive said that this was a general policy for all employees, in addition to the various specialised practices for individuals working directly with children or vulnerable people, but would check that there was no conflict with any other Council policy.  On the suggested performance indicators, he explained that referral rates would be used for baseline figures and would be monitored as part of annual reporting.  On a further point, he agreed that Appendices 3 and 4 would be extended to reflect safeguarding against access to child pornography through reading material as well as electronically.


The Chairman drew attention to the examples of good practice listed in Appendix 4 of the policy.




(a)       That the Committee is assured that work is being undertaken to improve corporate arrangements for safeguarding children and adults;


(b)       That the draft Corporate Safeguarding Policy be noted; and


(c)       That annual reports be received on work carried out to improve corporate safeguarding arrangements and the effectiveness of relevant policies.