Issue - meetings
Digital Strategy
Meeting: 12/01/2017 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 73)
Additional documents:
(a) That the Committee supports the proposed digital strategy before its adoption by Cabinet; and
(b) That the Committee will retain Overview & Scrutiny responsibility for the Digital Strategy, pending a decision after the Election about the most appropriate committee.
The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the proposed Digital Strategy 2017-22 which replaced the existing IT Strategy and incorporated all of the Council’s strategic aims for the IT service.
The six themes of the Strategy comprised four relating to front-line services and two directly linked to IT services which had been developed to support the Council’s Improvement Priorities. The proposed delivery of ‘digital first’ services would maximise opportunities to access a range of Council services electronically to meet customer expectations - an approach already demonstrated by some other councils and across the private sector. The Strategy also reflected feedback from the recent Member workshop. A detailed action plan would monitor progress of the delivery of high-level actions and it was suggested that this be reported through the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee as the most appropriate forum.
In response to comments from Councillor Ian Smith on ‘digital first’, the Chief Officer said that 89% of the adult population in the UK were able to access the internet with the majority doing so on a daily basis. By delivering services in this way, other councils had been able to free up resources to provide alternative support to individuals who were unable to access the internet. The Service Manager (Customer Support) and Customer Service & Registration Manager explained that dealing with digital exclusion formed part of the Strategy and they highlighted the range of support available to customers at Flintshire Connects offices and libraries to access online services. The Chief Executive acknowledged that some individuals may opt to use traditional methods of communication such as telephone, face-to-face or post, which would continue to remain available. However, the shift in recent years to maximise online opportunities meant that more options needed to be explored.
Councillor Aaron Shotton clarified the aim to extend online services for all residents who chose to use this method whilst ensuring that others were not disadvantaged. He went on to refer to the Council’s role in the Universal Credit rollout pilot and the need to move forward and meet customer expectations whilst generating efficiencies.
The Chief Officer said that whilst the ‘Digital business and community’ theme comprised a number of supportive actions, the wider Strategy sought to ensure that no-one was excluded with additional help available and savings used to deliver alternative means of accessing services.
Councillor Paul Shotton acknowledged the assistance available at Flintshire Connects and stressed the importance of customer feedback in moving forward.
Councillor Robin Guest spoke in support of the report on the basis that customers were made aware of all options available to them. On the suggestion for the topic to be under the remit of the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee, he asked whether officer responsibility for the Strategy would transfer accordingly. It was confirmed that the Chief Officer (Governance) would remain the lead officer for the Strategy which included a range of actions to be taken forward across a number of portfolio areas. Councillor Aaron Shotton referred to the development of the Strategy, with ... view the full minutes text for item 73