Issue - meetings
Capital Programme Monitoring 2019/20 (Outturn)
Meeting: 16/03/2017 - Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 60)
60 Self-Evaluation of Education Services PDF 84 KB
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That the report be noted.
The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced the report on the self-evaluation of Education Services to enable Members to fulfil their role in relation to the performance monitoring if education services. He provided background information and explained that a copy of the current self-evaluation was appended to the report for consideration and referred to the current performance and recommendations outlined on pages 88 and 89 of the document.
The Chief Officer reported on the current position and referring to the Primary school categorisation he advised that the position was particularly positive, however, the Secondary sector was managing to maintain its position and further work was required at Key Stage 4. The Chief Officer commented on the work to be undertaken with GwE in terms of the Secondary Challenge and Support Programme Model for 2017, and the work undertaken to identify young people at an early stage to make sure they receive the appropriate advised and guidance around apprenticeships, sixth form education, college and work.
David Hytch raised a number of concerns and referred to unauthorised absence, and difficulty in recruiting and attracting leaders to senior roles in schools. In his response the Chief Officer said he was confident that there was capacity within the teaching profession and commented on the need for recognition and encouragement in the development of people during difficult times. He commented on the need to develop opportunities which would enable people to progress though school leadership to take schools forward.
Councillor Chris Bithell commented on the positive achievements in the Service and referred to the support for additional learning needs and social inclusion which was good, and the level of performance at KS3 in Secondary schools which was also good. He referred to the work being undertaken to reduce the gap between FSM and non-FSM pupils to achieve improved outcomes for FSM pupils, the progress achieved in the school modernisation programme, and the reduction in the number of overall school places.
Rebecca Stark commended the Authority, the Chief Officer and his team, on the performance of schools and the continued strive for excellence throughout the prolonged period of financial austerity faced by the Authority. She expressed the view that there was a need for a period of stability to enable schools to absorb the many changes that had taken place across the curriculum.
In response to the comments made by David Hytch around the need to develop a ‘workforce’ for the provision of education in the future, the Chief Officer commented on a media campaign in Wales to encourage young people to consider the career opportunities available through the teaching profession.
That the report be noted.