Issue - meetings
Workforce Information Report – Quarter 3 2016/17
Meeting: 09/02/2017 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 86)
86 Workforce Information Report – Quarter 3 2016/17 PDF 92 KB
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That the Workforce Information report for Quarter 3 be approved.
The Chief Executive presented the quarterly update report on workforce information which focussed on organisational performance and trends.
A slight improvement in attendance during Quarter 3 was reported in comparison to the same period for 2015/16 with outcomes for the year projected to show an overall improvement. As reported at the previous meeting, there was a reduction in agency worker spend in Quarter 3, mainly due to the recruitment of a number of agency workers to permanent posts in Streetscene. On equality and diversity workforce monitoring, it was explained that the classification of ‘other’ was aligned with the official Census definition.
Councillor Billy Mullin thanked the Senior Manager of Human Resources & Organisational Development and her team for the improvements made to the reports. This was echoed by the Chairman.
Councillor Paul Shotton welcomed the positive position on agency worker spend, which had been explained previously. The Chief Executive spoke about shared concerns with other councils regionally on the reliance on agencies for engaging temporary social care workers.
That the Workforce Information report for Quarter 3 be approved.