Issue - meetings
Commuted Sums and Shared Equity Redemption Payments Policy
Meeting: 23/01/2017 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 42)
42 Commuted Sums and Shared Equity Redemption Payments Policy PDF 121 KB
(a) That the Committee supports:
(i) Where a commuted sum is paid to the Council in lieu of on-site affordable housing provision, these monies must be prioritised for the relevant Community Council area;
(ii) Where a commuted sum is received and on site affordable housing has been provided as part of the Section 106 agreement, the monies can be utilised as part of the Council’s priority for developing affordable homes across Flintshire through SHARP;
(b) That the Committee supports the approach to the shared equity redemption payments as set out in the report; and
(c) That the Committee receives an annual monitoring report on the commuted sums and shared equity redemption payments.
The Housing Strategy Officer presented the report to seek support on changes to the use of commuted sums and the approach to shared equity redemption payments. The recommendations were based on the context of recent Section 106 agreements and the Council’s commitment to build affordable homes through the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP).
The proposed management and monitoring process in dealing with commuted sums and shared equity involved financial oversight by the Housing and Regeneration Programme Board, with expenditure and outcomes reported annually to the Committee.
In response to a question from Councillor Rosetta Dolphin, the officer explained that Section 106 contributions could also be used for educational or leisure purposes, however this policy dealt only with the affordable housing element and offered more flexibility in maximising commuted sums.
Councillor Ian Dunbar welcomed the report and referred to discussions by the Planning Strategy Group on cases where commuted sums could not be spent in the immediate community and were used to benefit wider areas.
(a) That the Committee supports:
(i) Where a commuted sum is paid to the Council in lieu of on-site affordable housing provision, these monies must be prioritised for the relevant Community Council area;
(ii) Where a commuted sum is received and on site affordable housing has been provided as part of the Section 106 agreement, the monies can be utilised as part of the Council’s priority for developing affordable homes across Flintshire through SHARP;
(b) That the Committee supports the approach to the shared equity redemption payments as set out in the report; and
(c) That the Committee receives an annual monitoring report on the commuted sums and shared equity redemption payments.