Issue - meetings

Amendments to the Constitution

Meeting: 01/02/2017 - Constitution Committee (Item 13)

13 Amendments to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Having regard to ongoing organisational changes, to seek the committee’s authority for the Chief Officer (Governance) and the Democratic Services Manager to change job titles within the Constitution as necessary.


(a)       That where any future changes are solely to officer designations arising out of restructuring, that the Chief Officer (Governance) and the Democratic Services Manager  be authorised to have those changes made to the Constitution; and


(b)       That Members be kept informed and updated about any future changes to officer designations arising out of restructuring.




The Democratic Services Manager explained that the Council was going through a period of structural change with posts being deleted or revised and, as a consequence, post titles often changed and there was a need to correct references within the Constitution.  He advised that there was a process for making minor amendments to the Constitution with the consent of group leaders but it was not designed for this type of administrative amendment.  It was therefore recommended that the Chief Officer (Governance) and the Democratic Services Manager be authorised to have changes in job titles made within the constitution.


Councillor Arnold Woolley proposed that  authority be granted but with the amendment that Members be kept informed and updated about  any changes to officer designations arising out of restructuring.




(a)       That where any future changes are solely to officer designations arising out of restructuring, that the Chief Officer (Governance) and the Democratic Services Manager  be authorised to have those changes made to the Constitution; and


(b)       That Members be kept informed and updated about any future changes to officer designations arising out of restructuring.