Issue - meetings

Year-end Council Plan Monitoring Report 2019/20

Meeting: 15/03/2017 - Audit Committee (Item 50)

50 Minutes pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Purpose: To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2017.


That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2017 were submitted.


Matters Arising


On minute number 39: Wales Audit Office Annual Audit Letter 2015/16, Councillor Haydn Bateman referred to discussion on former waste disposal sites.  In acknowledging the operational risk, it was explained that this was a complex ongoing technical issue which required time to resolve on a site by site basis.  A meeting was due to take place to discuss the financial accounting provision.  Progress on the operational and accounting issues was being reported to Overview & Scrutiny.


On minute number 42: Implementation of Contract Procedure Rules, Councillor Alison Halford referred to long-standing concerns on the performance of some sub-contractors.  Officers explained that contractual arrangements placed a responsibility on contractors to manage the performance of any sub-contractors.  During detailed previous discussion on this topic, Members had been assured of the training and support given to officers in respect of their responsibility in challenging any quality management issues.


Councillor Ian Roberts agreed to discuss his concerns about the performance of a particular contractor outside the meeting.  When asked by the Chairman if this was a procedural matter, the Chief Officer (Governance) said he was aware of the circumstances of the case and that the Contract Procedure Rules (CPR) contained guidance on the provisions within contracts including enforcement terms.


Councillor Arnold Woolley shared his concerns on instances where work was sub-contracted down in its entirety.


The Chief Executive said that the Committee may wish to look at the quality of contract management in more detail as part of the CPR update at the September 2017 meeting.




That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.