Issue - meetings
Co-opted Members
Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Flintshire County Council (Item 85)
Additional documents:
(a) That Council reappoints Rob Dewey to the Standards Committee for 4 years:
(b) That the Chairman sends a letter of thanks on behalf of the Council to Paul Williams for his work and efforts on the Audit Committee; and
(c) That Council advertises for a new co-optee on the Audit Committee and that applications be interviewed by a panel consisting of the Leader of the Council, the Chair of Audit, the section 151 Officer, and the Monitoring Officer.
The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced a report to agree the appointment of co-optees to the Standards and Audit Committees.
The Chief Officer provided background information and advised that the term of office for two co-opted members ends in May 2017. He explained that both members were eligible to be reappointed for a further term and thereafter they must stand down. Both members had worked diligently in their roles and had made a beneficial contribution to the governance of the Council, however, only the member on the Standards Committee was willing to be reappointed. The Chief Officer said there was a need therefore for a recruitment process for a replacement co-opted member on the Audit Committee.
Councillor Aaron Shotton asked that a letter of thanks be sent from the Chairman, on behalf of the Council, to Paul Williams for his hard work and efforts on the Audit Committee.
Councillor Mike Peers commented on the cost of advertising vacancies in the local press, as outlined in the report, and asked if a more efficient and cost effective option was available, citing advertisement on the Council’s own website as an example. The Chief Officer clarified the position on how the lower and higher costs may be incurred and explained that the legislation was specific in that it required the Council to advertise the vacancies through the press in a local newspaper and not only through the internet. He explained that the vacancies would be included on the Council’s website to maximise the opportunities for suitable candidates to consider and apply.
Councillor Ian Dunbar paid tribute to Paul Williams and expressed thanks for his valuable contribution to the work of the Audit Committee.
(a) That Council reappoints Rob Dewey to the Standards Committee for 4 years:
(b) That the Chairman sends a letter of thanks on behalf of the Council to Paul Williams for his work and efforts on the Audit Committee; and
(c) That Council advertises for a new co-optee on the Audit Committee and that applications be interviewed by a panel consisting of the Leader of the Council, the Chair of Audit, the section 151 Officer, and the Monitoring Officer.