Issue - meetings

Capital Programme 2016/17 (Month 9)

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 146)

146 Capital Programme 2016/17 (Month 9) pdf icon PDF 112 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Corporate Finance Manager introduced the Capital Programme Monitoring 2016/17 (Month 9) report which summarised changes made to the Capital Programme since Month 6, along with expenditure to date and projected outturn. 


                        The Capital Programme had increased by £0.573m in the period due to:


·         Introduction of additional Welsh Government grant funding for Private Sector Renewal (£0.175m)

·         Vibrant & Viable Places (VVP) additional grant funding from Welsh Government (£0.100m)

·         Introduction of Section 106 Funding Play Area Equipment (£0.120m)

·         Other Aggregate Increases (£0.178m)


Actual expenditure to Month 9 was £43.277m with a projected outturn of £60.224m which was an underspend of £0.896m.  Resources available for funding future capital expenditure was c£3.873m, all of which had been allocated to fund capital schemes in 2017/18 onwards as part of setting next year’s capital programme.


During the quarter additional Early Identified Rollover (EIR) of £1.063m had been identified which reflected reviewed spending plans across all programme areas; those committed amounts had been identified as now required to meet the cost of programme works and/or retention payments in 2017/18.


The report had been discussed at Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week with no issues being identified.




(a)       That the overall reported be approved; and


(b)       That the rollover adjustments be approved.