Issue - meetings
Code of Corporate Governance
Meeting: 01/02/2017 - Constitution Committee (Item 14)
14 Code of Corporate Governance PDF 107 KB
To receive the updated Code of Corporate
Governance following endorsement by the Audit Committee
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Code of Corporate Governance, item 14 PDF 30 KB
- Enc. 2 for Code of Corporate Governance, item 14 PDF 234 KB
That the updated Code of Corporate Governance for adoption as part of the Council’s Constitution, as approved by the Audit Committee, be agreed.
The Chief Officer (Governance) invited Karen Armstrong, Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer to present the updated Code of Corporate Governance following endorsement by the Audit Committee on 25 January 2017.
The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer advised that the Code of Corporate Governance formed part of the Council’s Constitution and is presented for endorsement and inclusion within the Constitution. It was reviewed and updated annually to ensure that it was up to date and complied with all relevant legislation and other requirements. The Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer explained that the revised Code was appended to the report and she gave an overview of the main considerations as detailed in the report.
Councillor Chris Bithell referred to page 15 of the Code and cited examples where more consultation was carried out to ensure people “had their say” than was reflected in the Code. Officers acknowledged the point and agreed to include some additional examples to indicate the range which was above the statutory requirements. In response to the further comments made by Councillor Bithell concerning Equality and Welsh Language Impact Assessments, the Corporate Business and Communications Executive Officer explained that the Council had undertaken Equality and Welsh Language Impact Assessments for some years and had combined the two and anticipated a more total integrated assessment going forward.
Councillor Bithell referred to page 25 of the Code and said self assessment should also be included.
During discussion the Officers responded to the concerns raised by Councillor Woolley around the difficulties he had experienced contacting officers and receiving a response to his enquiries and requests for information. The Chief Executive asked that if Members encountered any such difficulties to either inform his office or the respective Chief Officer. The Democratic Services Manager also encouraged Members to contact the Member Services or Democratic Services team for help if they had difficulty contacting Officers.
That the updated Code of Corporate Governance for adoption as part of the Council’s Constitution, as approved by the Audit Committee, be agreed.