Issue - meetings
Growth Vision and Strategy for the Economy of North Wales
Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 140)
140 Growth Vision and Strategy for the Economy of North Wales PDF 111 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Regional Growth Strategy, item 140 PDF 892 KB
- Enc. 2 for Regional Growth Strategy, item 140 PDF 11 MB
As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Butler introduced the Growth Vision and Strategy for the Economy of North Wales report.
North Wales had been invited to develop the strategy into a ‘Growth Bid’ for national investment. The regional work was running in parallel to the development and agreement of growth bids in selected regions of England and in South Wales.
Work was ongoing to prioritise the content of the strategy for inclusion in a formal bid and the six Councils had reached an outline agreement on a governance model for the regional economic strategy. The preferred regional governance model of a statutory Joint Committee was set out in the report.
The Chief Executive explained that similar reports were being submitted to Cabinet meetings at the other five local authorities. He added that technical legal work was underway in preparation for the scheme to progress following the Annual Meetings.
It was agreed that a discussion could take place at County Council on 1st March when the item on ‘Regional Working and the White Paper - Reforming Local Government: Resilient and Renewed’ was considered.
(a) That the preferred regional governance model of a statutory Joint Committee for further development be endorsed; and
(b) That the newly elected Council be invited to enter into a statutory Joint Committee model with the five partner Councils, within the first three months of the new Council term, once a detailed constitution and inter-authority agreement was available.