Issue - meetings

Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme - Batch 3 Proposed Schemes

Meeting: 14/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 165)

165 Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme - Batch 3 Proposed Schemes pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations with the following additional recommendation:


(3)       That Flintshire County Council’s call for lifting of the borrowing cap is formally included in the regional economic growth strategy.


Councillor Brown introduced the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP) Batch 3 Proposed Schemes report which sought approval to progress the next key stages of the Council’s SHARP programme.  This included a detailed scheme of viability works on a range of sites which could potentially deliver an additional 363 social rent, affordable rent and affordable purchase homes.


The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) explained that the sites to be included in the programme were at various stages of development.  Some sites were in the Council’s ownership and some were the subject of commercial purchase negotiations.  The sites outlined in paragraphs 1.21 and 1.22 should be discounted as they had been included in error.


Site feasibility works were required on some sites to progress them further and those that were at the most advanced stages were outlined in the report with details of each site, including site plans.  The report also provided an update on the new Welsh Government (WG) Capital Funding availability which would help to expand the SHARP.


The original target for Council housing was to build 200 homes over 5 years.  The report identified that 277 could be built which could be increased further if the borrowing cap was lifted.


Following the Cabinet meeting wider consultation would commence.


Councillor Attridge praised the officers and the Cabinet Member for the work on the scheme which saw Flintshire County Council leading the way in Council house building which was a result of the direction of Cabinet.  Other Cabinet Members also paid tribute to the officers which resulted in the successful scheme coming to fruition. 


In response to a question from Councillor Bithell, the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) explained that the level of consultation carried out varied from scheme to scheme and was dependent on the stage of the process at each site.  The Chief Executive added that following the local election, part of the induction for Members would include details of any schemes underway or planned in their ward.  He added that housing was a focal point in the Regional Growth Strategy and suggested an additional recommendation to read “Flintshire County Council’s call for lifting of the borrowing cap is formally included in the Regional Economic Growth Strategy” which was supported.




(a)       That the development of 363 new homes be agreed in principle as part of the Council’s house building programme (SHARP).  This will include 195 Council properties, 95 properties for affordable rent and 73 properties for affordable purchase;


(b)       That sites investigation costs of £421,616k be approved so that full scheme appraisals can be completed ahead of final approval.  These will be apportioned as follows, 66% HRA cost (£278,266) and 44% Council Fund cost (£143,350) met by NEW Homes should development proceed; and


(c)        That Flintshire County Council’s call for lifting of the borrowing cap is formally included in the Regional Economic Growth Strategy.