Issue - meetings

Commuted Sums and Shared Equity Redemption Payment Policy

Meeting: 14/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 166)

166 Commuted Sums and Shared Equity Redemption Payment Policy pdf icon PDF 121 KB


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Brown introduced the Commuted Sums and Shared Equity Redemption Payment Policy report which considered the use of commuted sums derived for the purposes of affordable housing.


                        The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) explained that the report reviewed the use of commuted sums and provided updated recommendations in the context of recent Section 106 agreements and the Council’s commitment and priority to building affordable homes across Flintshire through the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP).  An overview was also provided on the Shared Equity redemption payments and how it could be used to deliver affordable housing across Flintshire.


                        The table in the report outlined the commuted sums received to date.  The Council had agreed that commuted sums could be used in a number of ways and required flexibility to do so and that approach was reflected in the Section 106 agreement.  The rationale for the approach to commuted sums as outlined in the report would:


  • Provide the most efficient use of the funding as it would enable the Council to maximise the SHARP funding; and
  • Ensure affordable housing was delivered in areas that were less attractive for market led development or on sites which were harder to develop, such as brownfield sites owned by the Council.


In response to a question from Councillor Bithell, the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise confirmed that all local Members would be consulted at the appropriate time.




(a)       That Cabinet agreed:


·         Where a commuted sum is paid to the Council in lieu of on-site affordable housing provision, these monies must be prioritised for the relevant Community Council area; and

·         Where a commuted sum is received an on-site affordable housing has been provided as part of the Section 106 agreement, the monies can be utilised as part of the Council’s priority for developing affordable homes across Flintshire through SHARP


(b)       That Cabinet support the approach to the Shared Equity redemption payments as set out in the report; and


(c)        That the Community and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee receives an annual monitoring report on the Commuted Sums and Shared Equity redemption payments.