Issue - meetings

Deeside Plan

Meeting: 08/03/2017 - Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 53)

53 Deeside Plan pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To assist Members, the following documents are attached:


·         Copy of the report of the Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) and Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation)

·         Copy of the Record of Decision

·         Copy of the Call In Notice

Additional documents:


That the explanations be accepted but not endorsed by the Committee.


On behalf of the call-in signatories, Councillors Mike Peers, Richard Jones and Dave Mackie were invited to address the Committee first.


Whilst Councillor Peers understood the focus on employment, economic growth and improved traffic infrastructure in Deeside, he pointed out that other elements on housing, high street regeneration, leisure etc were needed in other towns and communities in the county.  He asked how the Deeside Plan would integrate with the Local Development Plan (LDP) where elements such as housing and leisure should be addressed and said that the lack of land supply for residential development should form part of the growth spatial options within the LDP.  He felt there should have been much wider consultation on the Plan allowing for full debate across the Council and the county, including an impact assessment on other communities.  He also stated that the Plan lacked any evidence of funding and resources needed to achieve its objectives, pointing out that some of the Council’s reserves had already been set aside to support the 2017/18 budget.  For these reasons and to comply with the Council’s pre-election protocol on major consultations, he felt that the item should be deferred until after the Election to allow for proper consultation.


In acknowledging Deeside as Flintshire’s employment hub, Councillor Richard Jones felt that a Flintshire Plan was more appropriate to spread investment across the county, especially in view of the Council’s funding per capita and the fact that Deeside had already benefited from Vibrant & Viable Places (VVP) funding.  He also cited the lack of detail on funding for the 30 year Plan, which would be to the detriment of other communities where improved education, transport, leisure and environment was also important.  He said that the lack of consultation outside the Deeside area meant that the effect on other communities could not be determined, which was crucial.


Councillor Dave Mackie referred to the recommendation to make a case for the A494/A55 improvements to facilitate delivery of the Deeside Plan.  He said that the decision on that route affected other areas and should have been included in the consultation.


In response, Councillor Aaron Shotton gave a reminder of the county’s established approach to town centre partnerships; each providing an opportunity for its local Members to identify priorities and shape future strategies for their respective areas.  He said there was no expectation for town centres to consult widely on priorities within their own masterplans, as was the case with the Deeside Plan which would be monitored by the Deeside partnership.  In support of the Plan, he stated the importance of the Deeside Industrial Park as an employment site of regional significance, contributing to the work of the Mersey Dee Alliance and North Wales Economic Ambition Board centred on economic growth and transport infrastructure.  He spoke about the aims within the Plan in seeking to address the recognised concentration of areas of deprivation in Deeside along with low levels of self-employment and lack of qualified workers.  He said that the whole of Flintshire  ...  view the full minutes text for item 53

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 141)

141 Deeside Plan pdf icon PDF 89 KB


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Butler introduced the Deeside Plan report which set out a vision for economic growth for the next 30 years.  It identified the high level programmes of work needed to fulfil the aspirations for Deeside as a key element in regional economic growth and to ensure the maximum benefit to local people.


                        The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager explained that the plan had been developed to set out how the ambitions for economic growth for Deeside could be achieved, maximising the value of growth for local people and for the wider region whilst also protecting and improving quality of life.  The purpose of the Plan was to:


·         Create an ambitious high-level vision for economic growth in Deeside over the next 30 years;

·         Set the principles for identifying future sites for development after Northern Gateway and Warren Hall, recognising the long timescales needed to do so;

·         Ensure that transport infrastructure, economic development and land use planning were considered in parallel;

·         Align future regional and local strategies and programmes;

·         Build understanding of the needs of the area among decision-makers and businesses to encourage support; and

·         Provide a tool for the Deeside Partnership, the Council and others to monitor progress.


Transport was highlighted as a particular priority in the Plan due to current challenges and its potential to constrain future growth.  The priorities were:


·         Maximise the value of regional transport infrastructure investments including the proposed Welsh Government improvements to the strategic road network around Deeside;

·         Ensure that transport infrastructure improvements were planned alongside future development opportunities recognising that both processes could take several decades to come to fruition; and

·         Support the shift from private car use to more sustainable forms of transport and grow the active travel infrastructure.


                        Councillor Shotton welcomed the report which would provide benefits and opportunities to the area and across the region.  He explained that a 12 week consultation process was due to commence on 13th March on the A494/A55 improvement.


                        The Chief Executive added that information was due to be received from WG on the North Wales Metro Vision and connectivity.




(a)       That the Deeside Plan be approved;


(b)       That the transport proposals for Deeside be approved; and


(c)        That the Council respond to the forthcoming Welsh Government A494/A55 improvement consultation making a strong case for improvements that resolve congestion and facilitate the delivery of the Deeside Plan.